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Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

How to earn some dollars from steam

01.37 // by Unknown // No comments

Okay firstly sorry for not posting for over around 2 years or more, i don't care. honestly i'm lazy writing post. And yeah this time i'm gonna show you how to get items for bet, games and you sell it to someone, level to make yourself kinda confident or anything i don't care for free. And read below the requirement

Requirement :
- Steam account of course
- Unlocked market (see here more info)
- Patient (seriously this tutorials take more than a weeks or even couple month)
- Internet Connection (at least stable enough, speed doesn't matter)
- Idle master (Get it here)
- (optional) 24/7 online computer with internet connection

The method i use is card, i know card isn't cost so much even didn't touch a single dollar. But, what if the amount of the card is more than 100 ?.And i did NOT take any responsibility for everything you did, now lets begin.

Firstly hunt for a free games.

Here list where you can get some games for free.

Once you got the game, Activate it on steam.

Now its time running the Idle master.
Download and Extract it somewhere else. or directly run it.

And now just press sign in and login into your account.
NOTE : if you stuck can't login, (the sign in keep appear) keep trying to login.

Let it running, and usually for whole cards in the game it takes around 6-8 Hours, so you better do this before you go bed.

Head to your inventory, sell your card. This time you may need to pick your best price.

Now, just wait the buyer buy your cards. 

Q: Will i get banned if i use Idle Master ?
A: I don't know, so far i didn't get banned, 

Q: is this legal ?
yes, pure 100% legal

Q:What is purpose using Idle master ?
A: To play every game you have in your library without downloading, so the cards are dropped.

Feel free to ask anything about this.

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